Mastering Maven 3.9: Understanding and Forcing Retry Connections for Reset Errors
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Mastering Maven 3.9: Understanding and Forcing Retry Connections for Reset Errors

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Are you tired of dealing with frustrating connection reset errors in your Maven projects? Well, buckle up, folks! With Maven 3.9, the default connector is set to retry connections when faced with those pesky reset errors. But, what if you’re not using the latest version, or you need more control over this feature? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered!

Understanding the Default Behavior in Maven 3.9

In Maven 3.9, the default connector, aka the, is designed to automatically retry connections when it encounters a reset error. This feature is enabled by default, which means you don’t need to do anything special to take advantage of it.

But, why is this feature so important? Well, connection reset errors can occur due to various reasons such as network issues, server overload, or even a misconfigured proxy. By retrying the connection, Maven can often recover from these errors and continue with the build process, saving you from those dreaded “BUILD FAILURE” messages.

Benefits of Automatic Retry

The benefits of automatic retry are numerous:

  • Reduced build failures due to transient network issues
  • Increased build reliability and stability
  • Less manual intervention required to resolve connection issues
  • Faster build times due to reduced retries and failures

Forcing Retry Connections in Maven 3.9 and Earlier

Now, what if you’re not using Maven 3.9, or you need more control over the retry behavior? Fear not, for we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve!

Using the retry Parameter

In Maven 3.9 and earlier, you can force the retry behavior by adding the retry parameter to your Maven command. This parameter takes a boolean value, where true enables retry and false disables it.

mvn clean package -Dmaven.transfer.retry=true

By setting retry to true, you’re effectively enabling the retry feature for connection reset errors.

Configuring the Maven Transfer Extension

An alternative approach is to configure the Maven Transfer Extension to enable retry. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your pom.xml file:


This configuration sets the retry feature to true for the Maven Wagon HTTP extension, which is responsible for handling HTTP connections.

Using a Custom Wagon Provider

If you need more fine-grained control over the retry behavior, you can create a custom Wagon provider. This approach requires more effort, but it gives you absolute control over the connection retry logic.


In this example, you would create a custom Wagon provider, my-wagon-provider, which would handle the connection retry logic according to your specific requirements.

Troubleshooting Connection Reset Errors

Even with retry enabled, connection reset errors can still occur. When troubleshooting these errors, it’s essential to understand the root cause and take corrective action.

Common Causes of Connection Reset Errors

Some common causes of connection reset errors include:

  • Network issues (e.g., firewalls, proxies, or DNS resolution problems)
  • Server overload or maintenance
  • Misconfigured proxies or Maven settings
  • Resource constraints (e.g., low memory or CPU)

Debugging Connection Reset Errors

To debug connection reset errors, you can enable Maven’s debug logging by adding the following parameter to your Maven command:

mvn clean package -X

This will provide more detailed logging information, which can help you identify the root cause of the issue.


In conclusion, Maven 3.9’s default connector retrying connection reset errors is a valuable feature that can save you from build failures and frustration. By understanding the default behavior and learning how to force retry connections in Maven 3.9 and earlier, you’ll be better equipped to handle those pesky connection issues. Remember, troubleshooting connection reset errors requires patience, persistence, and the right tools. With this knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Maven and building reliable, efficient projects.

Maven Version Default Retry Behavior Configuration Options
Maven 3.9 Enabled by default Retry parameter, Maven Transfer Extension configuration, Custom Wagon provider
Maven 3.8 and earlier Disabled by default Retry parameter, Maven Transfer Extension configuration, Custom Wagon provider

This table summarizes the default retry behavior and configuration options for different Maven versions.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you’ll be able to master Maven’s retry feature and build more reliable, efficient projects. Happy building!

Frequently Asked Question

Maven enthusiasts, gather ’round! We’ve got the scoop on Maven 3.9’s default connector retrying connection reset errors. If not, don’t worry, we’ve got the fix!

Is the default connector retrying connection reset errors in Maven 3.9?

Yes, starting from Maven 3.9, the default connector (HttpURLConnection) will retry connection reset errors by default. You can sit back, relax, and let Maven handle it for you!

What if I’m using a version prior to Maven 3.9?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! You can force the retry behavior by setting the mavenarger.retry property to true in your Maven settings or project pom file.

How do I enable retry for specific plugins only?

You can enable retry for specific plugins by setting the retry property to true in the plugin’s configuration. For example, for the Maven deploy plugin, you can add <retry>true</retry> to its configuration.

Can I customize the retry behavior?

Yes, you can customize the retry behavior by setting the mavenarger.retry.maxAttempts property to the desired number of retries. You can also set the mavenarger.retry.delay property to control the delay between retries.

What if I’m using a different connector, like OkHttp or Apache HTTP Client?

If you’re using a different connector, you’ll need to consult the connector’s documentation for retry configuration. For example, with OkHttp, you can use the retryOnConnectionFailure() method to enable retry.

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